

Emerald refers to one of my screen names. The Growlery refers to the Dickens quote.


Why am I blogging? That’s what you really want to know, right? Firstly, I am blogging because I’ve nothing better to do with the wonderful world of the internet, other than wander aimlessly seeking to be entertained.
Secondly it is because I’ve been whining about wanting to be a writer for several years now.  It couldn’t be easier to become a writer. One must simply write and then share. But wait! Aren’t there other requirements to be a “real” writer? Like getting published by another entity, or getting paid? Well… I’ll get to that later.


Female, straight, 30ish, taken, once divorced. Have two amazing pit bull dogs that we regard as children.
I was raised all over the North American continent, beginning in Arkansas and ending in Arizona. I have earned my living as a mechanic, industrial construction worker, restaurant manager, package delivery driver, waitress, industrial lab technician, plant nursery worker, house painter, taxi driver, and am now employed as a driver to operate  prototype off road vehicles.
When I grow up, I want to be an engineer, an inventor, an architect, a furniture designer, blacksmith, gunsmith, stone sculptor, primitive weapons expert, world traveler, archeologist, spelunker, and oh yeah, a writer.
I have succumbed to facebook infection.  I "quit" smoking, but have one a day, or so, at least on work days. I don’t drink a lot, but enjoy a good beer or long island iced tea.  I am addicted to pasta, and green chile sauce.  I am big for my size. I almost always seem to want do stuff my way. It also usually seems to be the hard way.


I read. A lot. My favorite authors, right now, are Heinlein, Rand, Wilde, and Steinbeck.   I also like King, Koontz, Asimov, Auel, Stone,  and a range of non-fiction. I am not a huge fan of Shakespeare, although I probably should be. I’ve never raised the gumption to study it.
I love good music regardless of genre. I don’t know much  about music.  I like some jazz, rock,  blues, something from almost any metal genre, goth, techno, and can sing songs from end to end that I hate. ( Way too  much radio).
I do not sing well or play any instruments. I would like to teach myself piano someday, which is truly ironic in that my mother paid for excellent lessons when I was little.  I went to ballet, tap and gymnastics lessons, which also had no lasting effects.  I love to dance, and look silly as hell doing it.
What I think are good movies: Fight Club, The Man Who Cried,  Boondock  Saints, Equilibrium, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,  Soylent Green, and a whole bunch I haven’t thought of recently.