
Travelling Dreams

Sigh. Someday, when I can, I would like to split my years in six-month increments, spending half the year wandering about the earth, seeing what there is to be seen, experiencing all the places I read about. The other six months I'll spend in the desert, hammering at my anvil, and perhaps the occasional piece of marble or granite, (I've recently become intrigued by stone sculpture, like I need another hobby), and a keyboard.

Why don't I do this now? Because I want ten lifetimes of experiences (it's ok, I've got two down already, at least. If I wrote about various life chapters, you'd swear they came from different books entirely). I want to be an engineer. Or, rather, engineering is the real world, work-a-day version of one of the things I want to be. That is the only sensible "career" I've even a moderate interest in, other than writing, which doesn't really count. Even renowned, many times' published authors will say it doesn't "count". Fortunately engineering is the type of career that will produce a decent paycheck, which may provide the means to some of my other dreams. Of course, if I end up with a multi-million dollar best seller on my hands, that would change things a bit, but I'd still want to go to school. It would just be in a very different way (can we say two years at MIT and two at Cal-Poly, spread between travelling the world over eight?)

On a completely unrelated note, I have GOT to stop using paretheses so much! I need to find another literary device for following multiple branches of thought simultaneously. Hmmm...

I finally sent off the loan paperwork for school. Now to send a letter to my student advisor, and choose subjects. Yay! Almost to the fun stuff, in which I will soon drown, no doubt.

I wonder what a person could do with a double B.S. in ME/EE with a  minor in materials, a Masters in English Lit. and  PhD in Geology? Is that even possible? WHY does that sound like fun? It really shouldn't. Should it? Anyway, I think that would be interesting to accomplish by eighty years old or so. Given my perspective on education, I think that seems reasonable. Perhaps I'll use that idea for a character sketch.

Ok, enough ranting, I MUST sleep. The whole polyphasic thing doesn't mesh up very well with a standard work schedule.
