
First Post

Welcome.  This blog is set up to help me slap myself upside the head regarding action towards some of my personal goals. Like most people, I have lots of goals, some of which are fairly ordinary, such as losing weight, getting my household set up properly,  someday getting my dogs leash trained.  Normal stuff.
Other things I would like to think are unique, or interesting, but in reality are common.  I would like to start exploring caves and old, abandoned buildings.  I want to design some flat fold furniture. I want to start using my forge and anvil.  I want workshop space.
I really, REALLY want workshop space.
I have way too many interests, and tend to genuinely believe that anything is possible.  This has led to some interesting lifestyle choices, and a great many illogical decisions.  By that, I mean they seem illogical to most people. They seem like perfectly plausible courses of action to me. At the time.
Under the category  ”Someday, I want _” are a few of the following.
to build a monolithic dome home.
to build a yurt.
to convert a bus.
to build a rat rod (make and year change quite often)
to travel the world
to explore the caves sixty miles from my home.
to make a truly fine knife blade.
there are, of course, many, many more.
This is to be a blog of dreams, sure, but it is to be about action. I will probably not complete all my dreams in this life, and many of them most likely will change. But hey, no harm in trying, right? I just gotta build the gumption. Lots of trying sometimes means lots of failure. That can be hard to swallow. Or swim though. Or drown in.
Anyway, it’s been a hell of a ride so far. Can’t wait to see what is around the corner.

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